When I Was Young The Rockers Were Deejays

When I was young the rockers were deejays is how I want to open this article: Aleix Vergés Tramullas was an artist born in Barcelona my always city, in the early of 90s the music was very different than nowadays, Techno was slowly entering in the clubs of the city and many deejays started to mix it with other non electronic styles, the indie rock shocked in the condal scene with strong force and were many bands of neighbors playing indie rock in festivals in summer and in clubs all the year.

Aleix had a indie rocker band, but without many success he decided to start deejaying , those sets was gorgeous mixes, mixing rock into techno music, bands like Pulp, The Smiths or The Cure into his sets after music from Metro Area, Jeff Mills or Michael Mayer.

In 2006 he leaved this life with only 33 years, I felt abandoned from a only reference, and began to hide my production and sets behind the obscured experimental pattern, only to drown my sorrows.

Still today I save many influences about him, you can find them into my production and deejay mixes.